Google Meet Dark Mode
Google Meet is something we’ve all used especially after everyone had to stay indoors. Its one of the most polished interfaces out there, but with a few little tweaks, it could be a tad bit more interesting!
Here’s a tiny piece of code that could make your google meet experience a tad bit better!
Now you can enable this in two ways!
- Temporarily for a particular Browser tab
- Permanantly for all Google Meets in the browser.
Temporary Setup
- Head over to Google Meet Addons
- Select the Set you’d like to apply and navigate to that Documentation.
- Here, I’ll take Dark Mode Minimal
- In your browser, create a new bookmark
- In the URL portion, Enter the long code: Triple click on the code to select the whole
- Name the Bookmark as anything you wish.
- Voila! Its ready!
- Launch your Google Meet
- While keeping the current meet tab open, press the Bookmark we made.
- After a few seconds, you’ll see the difference.
Permanant Solution
- Head over to Google Meet Addons
- Select the Set you’d like to apply and navigate to that JS File.
- Copy all the code of the JS File.
- Install a Chrome Addon/ Firefox Addon like CustomJavaScript
- Open a google Meet session and click the CustomJavaScript extension.
- Paste the code into the extension’s window.
- And voila! its done!
- Nothing much, Just open your meeting and it should activate automatically!