Port Key: A Magical Gateway to Any Network Region!

3 minute read

My Raspberry Pi “Port Key”: A Magical Gateway to Any Network Region!

As a big fan of Harry Potter and a tech enthusiast, I couldn’t resist combining my love for both into a fun little hobby project. Inspired by the concept of Portkeys in the wizarding world—objects that instantly teleport you to another location—I built my very own network Port Key. It’s not enchanted, of course, but thanks to a Raspberry Pi, a USB Wi-Fi adapter, and some VPN wizardry, it makes my devices feel like they’re teleported to different countries with the flick of a virtual wand.

The Problem That Started It All

Let me set the stage. I use Surfshark VPN on my devices, including my TV. It’s fantastic for accessing region-locked content and staying under the radar from the ever-growing world of online tracking and ads. But my TV (a bit of a Muggle, to be honest) kept killing the VPN process in the background. Annoying, right? I mean, one second I’m in the US bingeing my favorite TV shows, and the next, the VPN drops, and I’m kicked back to my local network.

That frustration got me thinking: Why not take the burden off my TV and create a centralized VPN hotspot instead?

Enter the Raspberry Pi

Armed with a Raspberry Pi Model A+ and a trusty USB Wi-Fi adapter, I got to work. The goal? Create a portable network hub where any device—be it my TV, laptop, or phone—could connect and instantly “teleport” to a specific country’s network.

I set up OpenVPN with Surfshark to handle the heavy lifting of connecting to different regions. A simple Flask app serves as the control panel, letting me switch regions effortlessly. Want to watch a show exclusive to Japan? A few taps, and voilà, my network says “Kon’nichiwa!” Prefer a Show in the US? Easy—just select the US option, and I’m virtually there.

The cherry on top? When all VPNs are off, the network falls back to regular Wi-Fi, so I’m not stuck in VPN limbo when I don’t need it.

Why This Matters in Today’s World

As fun as this project was, it’s rooted in something more important: privacy and freedom. These days, everything and everyone seems to be tracking us. From targeted ads that eerily know you too well to websites limiting content based on your location, the digital world feels more like Big Brother than Hogwarts.

Using a VPN helps you take back some of that control. It hides your real location, encrypts your internet traffic, and makes it much harder for advertisers, trackers, and even your ISP to keep tabs on you. For me, this project isn’t just about unlocking region-locked content—it’s about protecting my digital footprint while enjoying the internet on my terms.

How It Works

Here’s the TL;DR of my setup:

  1. Raspberry Pi Model A+: The brain of my Port Key.
  2. USB Wi-Fi Adapter: Creates a Wi-Fi access point for my devices.
  3. OpenVPN with Surfshark: Handles VPN connections to different regions.
  4. Flask App: Acts as a control panel to switch regions or turn off the VPN entirely.
  5. Fallback Wi-Fi: When VPNs are off, it defaults to regular internet.

This setup offloads the VPN processing from individual devices (like my moody TV) and provides a seamless way to switch countries on the fly.


Surfshark has been pretty solid in performance for me and I’d genuinely recommend it if you’re out for a VPN provider! Here’s a link to get a good deal on Surfshark! Surfshark Referral

Final Thoughts

Creating my network Port Key has been one of my favorite projects—it’s useful, fun, and gives me a little slice of wizardry in the tech world. Plus, it’s a reminder of how important it is to stay mindful of our online privacy.

So if you’re a tinkerer like me or just tired of dealing with VPNs on individual devices, give something like this a try! Who says you need magic when you have a Raspberry Pi? 🪄

Now, if only I could figure out how to make this thing actually teleport me to another country… 👀

Would you try building a network Port Key of your own? Let me know your thoughts!